Your septic system has its own way of telling you when there are problems. Although it cannot talk, there are sure signs when there's a need for septic system repair. These include:
If you notice any of the above problems, contact us and we'll perform a thorough evaluation. While looking over your system, our professionals determine what's wrong and give you a plan that will address any problems. We provide you with an estimate and upon approval, go to work to correct the concern and end the inconvenience. Whether simple or complex, feel confident our company is capable of performing the work you need with knowledge and professionalism. We don't get many repeat customers because we fix problems the right way the first time and our customers don't need to call us back for a very long time. We offer residential and commercial service to Baltimore, Harford, Cecil and York counties.
Septic System Installation
If you need a septic system installation, reach out to Eagle & Son Septic Service for help. Before we install a new tank, we do percolation testing to make sure the ground is suitable. We also work with county officials to design and permit the system and make sure that our work conforms to all regulations. When we're finished installing the system, we properly grade and seed your yard to make it look better than it was before.
If you're buying a new home, you want to make sure the septic system is in good working order. A failing and/or under maintained septic system can risk your family's health, hurt the environment and be costly to repair. Contact Eagle & Son Septic to perform a thorough non-invasive inspection of the home's septic system. We will give you an honest assessment of the home's septic system before you buy so there are no costly surprises later. We will provide an estimated cost for any necessary repairs so you know before you buy. After you buy, we can repair any problems, if any and you will be able to rest assured that your septic system will last many years to come.
Septic System Resources
We are participating in the EPA's SepticSmart program that aims to educate homowners and renters about the proper care and maintenance of septic systems. Here are some brochures that you can use to educate your family and tennants about your property's septic system.